The British start-up Leo Cancer Care have utilised a swivel chair prototype to revolutionise how patients have radiotherapy delivered. The radiotherapy chair prototype could improve comfort, accessibility and effectiveness.
More about this method 
This method will utilise a rotating seat, improving comfort by moving away from the traditional flat bed radiotherapy approach. On top of this, the seat uses less space and money, with better clinical outcomes observed as a result of the change.
Standard care involves moving the source of radiation around the patient which contributes greatly to the cost of treatment due to the complicated machinery. Being able to accurately move the patient instead allows for these benefits.
What’s next?
This new method is being administered in areas of the US currently. Leo Cancer Care is working to obtain regulatory approval, and the NHS is also exploring this technology to improve patient care in the UK.
A device like this becoming widespread could be massively beneficial in improving the brain cancer pathway for members of our community – saving us stress, time and uncertainty.
To read a full paper discussing this method, click here.
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