Oxhibitions is the world’s first ever Oxfam art gallery. It opened in Catherine Street, Salisbury in April 2008.
‘Symptomatic’, by local artist Richard Eveleigh, was one of the first exhibitions to be held in the gallery. It was also Richard’s first solo exhibition and was held on 27th June and 1st August. It featured artwork Richard produced after he had suffered a stroke due to an aneurysm in his brain.
The exhibition was a roaring success and 9 of the 14 paintings were sold. 50% of the sale proceeds were donated to charity raising a total of £535. This has been split equally between Oxfam and brainstrust.
Because of this great success Oxfam now intends to set up further galleries around the country and Richard is going on to start a fine art degree course at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth this autumn. A big thank you and lots of good luck to Richard!