Updated shielding advice
On Monday 4th January, the government announced details of new national restrictions in England that will come into effect from Tuesday 5th January and will run initially until 21 February 2021. You can view the details of the national restrictions here.
As a result of the new restrictions, formal shielding measures are now in place for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable. For people living with a brain tumour diagnosis, this guidance applies to people having chemotherapy or who are on a high dose of steroids.
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different national restrictions and advice for clinically extremely vulnerable people.
Scotland – From Tuesday 5 January, mainland Scotland will move from Level 4 to a temporary Lockdown, with new guidance to stay at home except for essential purposes. Some islands will remain at Level 3.
You can view the guidance including that on shielding, here.
Wales – Wales is currently in alert Level 4.
You can view the guidance on shielding here.
Northern Ireland – Additional restrictions have been put in place in Northern Ireland until 6th February.
You can view the guidance on shielding here.
Will I be told if I have to follow the shielding measures?
You will receive a letter if you are classed as being clinically extremely vulnerable and should be following the current shielding measures. This letter will replace any previous shielding letters that you may have received. You may also receive and email and/or text message reiterating this message.
What has changed?
From Tuesday 5th January, the shielding advice for clinically extremely vulnerable people in summary is:
- You should stay at home as much as possible as per national lockdown restrictions
- You can exercise outside and you can meet one other person from outside your household or support bubble to do so but should make sure you do this as safely as possible and follow social distancing guidelines.
- You should continue to attend medical appointments and seek medical help if needed.
- You should work from home where possible. If you are not able to work from home, the advice is that you should not go to work.
- You are advised not to form childcare bubbles during the period of national lockdown.
Should other people in my household follow the formal shielding guidance?
Other people in your household do not need to follow the shielding guidance but do need to follow the National Lockdown rules. They can continue to go to work if they are unable to work from home.
What support is available to me if I am shielding?
- Local councils are being given funding to provide support to clinically extremely vulnerable people who need it. This support will include help with shopping or requesting priority access to supermarket deliveries and signposting you to local support or befriending services.
- If family and friends are not able to collect any prescriptions or medicines for you, you will be eligible for free medicines delivery from your community pharmacy.
- If you cannot work from home, you are being advised not to go to work. You may be eligible for financial support through the following channels- Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough scheme), Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit. You should speak to you employer as soon as you can about this new guidance.
- The Government is offering a free 4-month supply of vitamin D supplements to all adults who are classed as clinically extremely vulnerable. You can register to receive these here.
You or someone on your behalf can register for support through the Government’s ‘National Shielding Service’ website. You can find this here.
Information about the vaccination against COVID-19 for clinically extremely vulnerable people:
If you are classed as being clinically extremely vulnerable and have had communications informing you of this, you will get priority access to the vaccination against COVID-19. You will contacted by the NHS with more information of when and you will be invited to get the vaccine.
If you have had the vaccination, you do still need to continue to shield until further notice as the Government continue to assess the impact of the vaccination against all groups.
You can full the view Government guidance on shielding here.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, worried or confused and would like to talk to a brainstrust support specialist, give us a call on 01983 292 405 or email hello@oldbrains.think-dev4.co.uk