Today, the first patients have been recruited to the BT-Life trial. This is a clinical study looking at interventions that may help with fatigue in patients with a brain tumour.
How does it work?
It is a three-arm trial, being run out through Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Participants in the first arm will receive a ten-week programme of personally-tailored Health Coaching, working on small patient-centred goals surrounding their lifestyle.
Those in the second arm will receive an additional ‘Patient Activation’ coaching intervention aimed at boosting their knowledge and skills to manage Health Coaching. The third arm is a control arm in which patients will receive standard care. The research team will assess the feasibility and impact of implementing these non-drug interventions in fatigued PBT patients.
Will Hewins is the Research Assistant – say hello!
“I have always loved research and BT-LIFE is giving me an excellent opportunity to develop my clinical research experience whilst integrating with a team of neuro-oncology symptom specialists. I am enjoying being part of a team doing meaningful research aimed at assisting the lives of an inspiring patient group.”
If you are affected by fatigue, take a look at our resource here
For more information about fatigue, coaching or BT life, email