High grade group (previously GBM group) – March 2023
Date: Thursday 30 March
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
This informal social group is just for people living with a high grade (3/4) tumour diagnosis and their supporters. There are no fixed conversation topics and no agendas. Just pop in to say hello and spend time in the same space as others who understand.
(The classification of brain tumours is tricky; tumours change over time, at recurrence they are different, non malignant tumours can be life changing. With the World Health Organisation (WHO) reclassification of brain tumours we know that it can be hard to find a group that meets your needs. So we have relabelled our groups. If you have a grade 3 or 4 tumour then the high grade tumour group is for you. And if you are not sure – please ask. We can help.)