Welcome news today (22nd February 2018) as Cancer Research UK announce a £45 million boost in brain tumour research funding. The funding will come from the Department of Health and Social Care and Cancer Research UK. The funding will be invested through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) over the next five years with the aim of doubling this once new high-quality research proposals become available. You can read the full announcement here:
Helen Bulbeck, brainstrust co-founder and Director of Services and Policy says, “This is a step change for the whole brain tumour community, and represents a milestone for all of us who have been involved in encouraging further investment into this ‘forgotten cancer’. Furthermore, this is the right level of investment, being delivered the right way through existing infrastructure which is familiar to clincians and researchers. From a strategic perspective, we can be confident that Cancer Research UK are tackling the right issues for our communtity.
We are confident that brainstrust’s work with the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership continues to underpin the clinical research. The Top Ten Uncertainties and therein prioirities for research have already been embraced by the NCRI and the clinical research community, which has seen a real shift in focus. brainstrust will continue to ensure that these stay front mind and will play a key role in taking this agenda forward through its engagement with CRUK, NIHR, NCRI and of course, you – our community who tells us what it is like to be living with the challenges that having a brain tumour brings”.
Cancer Research UK announced an initial increase in funding for two brain tumour research centres of excellence last year.
Will Jones brainstrust’s Chief Executive says “more good news from CRUK, and particularly enthusing that the Government are recognising the significance and difficulty of tackling brain cancer. This news will build capacity within our sector. With research helping those diagnosed in the future, we are now free to focus on the second part of the puzzle which is supporting patients of this devastating disease today, and that the research being funded truly reflects patient need. It is imperative that it is the patient that is being treated by any new therapies that come as a result of the funding, not just the disease”