Governance and reporting at brainstrust
Good governance is an essential component of our success, particularly as we grow. It underpins our integrity, reinforces the trust and confidence our patients and partners place in us and contributes to a strong high-performance culture.
Chris Baker, Chair of Trustees
brainstrust is constituted as a trust, governed by its Declaration of Trust, dated 4 March 2006 .
The overall guidelines for the management and administration of the Trust are incorporated in the Declaration of Trust, dated 4 March 2006, as amended by Deeds of Amendment adopted by the trustees under the terms of the original deed and notified to the Charity Commission.
This places overall responsibility for the proper governance of the Trust with the appointed trustees. Day-to-day management of the Trust is delegated to the chief executive of the Trust . The chief executive, supported by the leadership team, makes recommendations to the trustees on the Trust’s vision, patient and caregiver support, related research, financial fundraising, promotional activities and ensuring that funds raised are spent as efficiently as possible on resources that will be useful to people affected by brain cancer. brainstrust’s trustees have had regard to the guidance issued by the Charity Commission on public benefit.
You can find out more about brainstrust’s board of trustees and leadership team here.
brainstrust’s Annual Report and Accounts
Here you can read Annual Reports and Accounts from recent years. Read our latest Annual Report and Accounts to find out more about the work we did to support people living with a brain tumour last year.
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Coaching with one of our support specialists can help you understand what’s important to you. We listen and ask questions, collaborating with you to create a plan to reach specific goals.