How art has helped me on my brain tumour journey, and will continue to do so…
In June 2022 I had my 3rd craniotomy. The surgeon managed to remove the regrowth as well as some remaining tumour from previous debulking. Once I was healed up again I was put on a different chemotherapy, Lomustine. This was over 6 months. Although I started having seizures from August 2022 and in January 2023 I had two full tonic-clonic seizures in one day my husband called the ambulance as they lasted over 5 minutes I had to be taken to hospital and was then given a much higher dose of anti-seizure medication. Thankfully this is now under control.
Since my 3rd operation in June 2022, I’ve continued to work on my art and making cards from prints of my originals. I have a steady sale in a coffee shop in my nearest town and twice a year I’m invited with my husband to Buckfast Abbey to the spring and autumn chiropody and podiatry seminars as an honorary member. They allow me to have a trade stand for the delegates to purchase my cards. I try to keep the designs fresh so I’m not taking the same cards each time.
The November seminar I take Christmas cards. I use 50% of the profits to donate to brain tumour charities. It’s amazing how it adds up and gives me a purpose and feel I’m able to give back something from the charities that have helped me.
My art work really takes me away from dwelling on all that’s happened and the future. I’m sure it’s helped me emotionally and mentally, my mum always says it’s been my saviour.
I also donate two paintings a year for The National Brain Appeal, ‘A Letter in Mind’, where you paint on an envelope to be within that year’s title, such as for this this year is a world of colour, to be sold at a London gallery. They all sell for £85, this will be my third year using my art for raising funds for them. I had always enjoyed arts and crafts since I was old enough to hold a pencil and now since the brain tumour it’s really helped me cope. I feel so thankful to have my sight and ability to still use my hands in the way I always had.
I’m so pleased I can contribute to future research for treatments and diagnosis to help save lives and improve quality of lives for those like me living with a brain tumour. My prognosis is 3 to 8 years, but as I’ve found out these are just statistics and I refuse to give up on anything I love to do.
I even completed my winter cold water swimming challenge 2023-2024 at the Bude sea pool swimming twice a month from November 1st to end of March 2024. We’ve just had our big celebration and presented with medals and certificates. Just shows if you are positive and determined what you can achieve.
I am grateful to my husband for taking up winter swimming for the first time to support me as well as the winter Bude sea pool swimming community. I’ll continue to do my art and swim. Also, I’ve organised a yearly sponsored walk in aid of The Brain Tumour Charity twice and Brain Tumour Research since diagnosis, each time raising around £1,000. I’m not sure the actual figure raised with my cards but it’s around £500 to £700 a year.
This year I’m donating my fund raising to brainstrust as I have found the hypnotherapy resets with the lovely Louise Baker on Zoom to be so helpful in coping with not only worries of living with a brain tumour, but life in general. Also, brainstrust provide individual support when needed, I appreciate what they provide and feel I can give something back so it can continue as a charity to help others too.
As long as I’m well enough I’ll endeavour to continue fundraising. I hope I might inspire others to do something for themselves and to raise much needed funds for our brain tumour related charities.
Check out Jenny’s incredible artwork below!