Just after graduating from university and ready to start his adult working life, the last thing that fit and healthy Kevin expected to face was the news that he had a brain tumour.
Bombshell news
Kevin describes this news as a bombshell, “and the fragments of the bomb ripped through every expectation and plan that I had”.
Despite feeling physically fine at the time of his diagnosis, news that he had a brain tumour meant that his goals were put on hold and a key part of his independence – Kevin was unable to drive following his diagnosis – lost. Feeling physically fine, of course, did not stop the worrying. After many sleepless nights imagining different scenarios resulting from his upcoming surgery, Kevin tried to push the bad thoughts to the back of his mind. He knew his family were constantly worrying, and he did not want to talk about his feelings with them. Worried about her son, Kevin’s mum Edna found brainstrust.
Don’t face living with a brain tumour alone. If you’re worried about talking about your brain tumour with loved ones, get in touch. We’re here to listen and can help you form a plan for talking to your family so they’re included, and you’re not isolated.
“A silver lining in an incredibly dark cloud”
When Edna would talk to him about brainstrust, Kevin would often “pretend to listen, as that’s what sons do!”. But she persisted seeking the charity’s support, and when Kevin was feeling increasingly frustrated on his brain tumour journey, brainstrust‘s help made all the difference:
“The long and short of it is our local hospital cancelled two operations, one of which I was gowned up for. brainstrust put us in contact with Dr McEvoy which was such a silver lining in what was becoming an incredibly dark cloud.
brainstrust have helped me incredibly, they’ve constantly supported my mum and always been there for her when she needed to speak to someone. They even supported us by paying for the private consultation, which was an incredible gesture that meant so much to me and my mum.”
Kevin continued on his brain tumour journey under Dr McEvoy, and has since had his surgery.
Going home minus a tumour
“Straight after the operation I was incredible groggy, I can still imagine feeling the stitched pull as I coughed of moved sharply which was the worst! I had impaired movement in the left side of my face and quite severe lack of movement in my left hand however I was convinced I would be fine (very frustrated nonetheless). I remember trying to brush my teeth with my lifeless limp hand and the occupational therapist supporting me and I somehow managed to stab myself in the eye, after that I felt so frustrated and disheartened but as the days went in the hand got better and better. By the time I was leaving hospital (12 days after surgery) I was as fit and well as I went home minus a tumour.
Since then I have been so well and had no side effects at all (touchwood). The whole experience has really made me appreciate the importance of health and shown me how moody I can be without physical exercise. As well as I recovered, I managed to break my collarbone on my first football game back, maybe I just love hospitals? Who knows!”
We can help you and your family cope with your brain tumour diagnosis so you can all thrive, not just survive. Get in touch – email us on hello@brainstrust.org.uk or call us on 01983 292 405.