Living with a brain tumour – support videos
Access support quickly online, 24/7. Missed an online fatigue workshop? Need to unwind? Access shortened versions of our webinars and mindful drawing tutorials here.
When you can join us for at an online event live, there is space for activities, questions and reflection. To ensure nobody misses out, we will upload versions onto YouTube, but there is no substitute for participating in a live webinar if you can. Click here to find all of our upcoming events.
Dealing with the overwhelm
When things change, we hold onto what we know and what has worked in the past for us. In this shortened version of our Thrive, with the skills to deal with the overwhelm online workshop, you’ll learn how to overcome feeling overwhelmed and get back to what matters.
Managing BPC
This shortened version of our Thrive, by managing behaviour and personality change online workshop will help you understand BPC and provide helpful hints, techniques and strategies to help you manage it, whether you are a patient or caregiver.
Managing fatigue
This shortened version of our Thrive, by managing fatigue online workshop provides helpful hints, techniques and strategies to help you take control and manage your fatigue.
Living with uncertainty
This shortened version of our Thrive, with the skills to cope with uncertainty online workshop explores why we feel uncertain and strategies to help you to be comfortable living with uncertainty.
Join Mr Woody Woods, a ginger bearded obsessive doodler, as he takes you through a series of drawing lessons – all you need is a pencil, pen and some paper and get ready to do some doodling!
When you, or someone you love, has a brain tumour, often things become overwhelming. Anxiety, stress and uncertainty make relaxing hard. Doodling is the perfect escape. Get out of your head and immerse yourself in creative exploration, and find yourself in a completely different space. Mr Woody Woods can guide anyone, from the seasoned doodler to the complete beginner – these 30 minute tutorials are perfect for adults and children alike.